St James Episcopal Church
St James Episcopal Church
We're glad you came!
Sunday Services
9:00 am Holy Eucharist
Seek Christ. Live Christ. Share Christ.
Visit the Lake George Area in New York's Adirondacks
Dinner cruises on majestic Lake George. A dawn-to-dark day at an epic amusement park topped off with the best ice cream around. Festivals honoring Elvis. There’s a lot to do in the Lake George Area.
Lenten Bible Study
The Case for Easter: Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus
Tuesday Evenings, March 18, 25, April 1 , 8.
5:30 pm - enjoy a simple meal and watch the video
followed by discussion
Please call the office to let us know you will attend.
Stations of the Cross
Each Wednesday during Lent at noon.
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16
Gather in the Parish Hall with a bag lunch for fellowship, followed by walking the Way of the Cross in the Church.